There are five in total, with the Star Semi, Lil Muv, Watchdog II, Pik Up and Silent Runner available to purchase. You can accept shipping missions from Inaya, but more importantly, she'll let you look through Hopetech's ships. After entering the facility, head through the checkpoint and take a right to meet the Hopetech ship saleswoman: Inaya Rehman. However, if you aren't here for that quest, you can still take a look at the company's flagship starships, which are largely high quality and worth spending a few credits on. You'll explore the factory in slightly more depth and meet its revered CEO, Ron Hope, during the Where Hope is Built side quest. The main attraction in Hopetown is Hopetech: a giant factory where all Hopetech ships are built and sold. If you're renting a room, it's 300 credits for a night and 2,000 credits for a week. Speak to the barman, Sal Rickman, to purchase food or drink, learn new rumours, hear more about Hopetown or rent a room.